As announced in my last e-mail I am sticking to one of my New Year’s resolutions and starting my blog! I sincerely hope that I am not leaving anybody out by writing in English.
So far the winter has been absolutely beautiful! Plenty of sunshine occasionally allowing us to have our coffee on the porch, or should I say “caffe”. (If you order a caffe you will get an espresso btw)
We are fully enjoying the warmth during the day but as soon as the sun disappears behind the hills it turns cold immediately and we hurry inside to our cosy fire place to enjoy the crackling of wood from our very own forest.
This winter is so different from the last one which once again proves my Father’s point when he told me, that you can only really call a place your home after having lived there for at least two years! Although this doesn’t stop him from asking me when I will move back ;-).
I started this year off by visiting a concert in the impressive Duomo in Acqui Terme, where a friend of mine, who is in the Church Choir, performed. I love the Duomo and never quite understood why all these concerts are free. I am not a religious person but this concert moved me and I am looking forward to all the classical music that will follow this year.
Nora turned 13 this year and she adapts to new situations incredibly well! Considering the fact that she changed owner and house 5 times before we got her and with us she endured three more moves. She has been with us for 10 years now and I must admit that the last move was almost too much for her. After we had moved to Melazzo she spent an entire day in the car and the next two days under the table. But now she acts like she owns the place, which she kind of does, and she will never have to move again!