What a great way to start the day! Simply open your kitchen shutters and you will find several deer munching away. They are not afraid of us at all and some people have even been able to touch and feed them. We prefer to keep our distance because we feel it is safer for them to be wary of humans. Fortunately, I might add, we haven’t had any hunters on our property lately. Hunters are allowed everywhere as long as they keep a 200 mtr distance from your house. Still, the thought that someone is shooting on your property is unnerving so whenever we see them we go out and make a racket which scares the animals and consequently the (angry) hunters away.

Yeah we eat olives, so?
Since yesterday have been experiencing minus degrees and we feel particularly sorry for our 4 stray cats, that have come to depend on us as they did on the custode. So a friend of ours offered to make us a kitty hotel! We are thrilled with the result – thank you Peter!

An hour after they were installed the girls checked in and they are loving it! If they spread the word we might have to “order” more!

Life is good at Casa Passero!
After having lived here for a while we slowly but surely discover the few things that we have been missing. Thanks to my friend Esther we now e.g. have cilantro! My favorite herb that really is hard to come by here. Now I can once again enjoy one of my Mexican favorites: nachos. Refried beans? Easy to make yourself , just google it! You become quit inventive if necessary.

Nice Mexican touch we have been introducing to our expat community here! As far as nationalities go – the more the merrier!