When we first moved here to Melazzo in 2016 it took about 3 weeks before we finally had internet. Having taken internet for granted for all these years I was over the moon when it was finally working! (Long story, with a little help from my friends and a touch of drama we got there). I immediately started writing emails to the “home front” in order to keep everyone up to date. These emails, which I wrote on a monthly basis, turned out (much to my delight!) to be more popular than I could have imagined and therefor, as you all know, I switched from email to blog to possibly reach even more people. Why am I telling you this? Because I plan to occasionally write about occurrences from previous mails. For the bloggies new, for the others a memory refresher 😉
Nora also enjoys the crackling of wood in one of our “stufa” in the kitchen as I mentioned in my first blog post.
Even though we moved here in October it wasn’t until December 21st before we actually bought the house and for the first 7 weeks we shared the house with Mr and Mrs Buffa, the “custode” (caretakers). Buffas have been living in a part of this house for 19 years and I wasn’t sure how they would feel about a couple of foreigners buying the place leading them to move out. But they are so friendly and modest and we have become friends. Maybe they like us because we can’t say very much – who knows! They visit us weekly and always offer help, advice and sometimes an amazing Italian dish. They also bring food and birth control pills for the 4 stray cats that they have named and we now have “adopted”.
Buffa’s friends helping them declutter…a bitter sweet day.
I also mentioned something new? Well after I kind of got the hang of blogging, I decided to invest time and energy into our website. Another huge challenge for me of which I will keep you updated.
January is in the past now and it has been cold and sunny – absolutely beautiful. As my cousin said: January is a transition month where you still look back on the previous year and also look ahead to the present year. My mother, on the other hand, said that January is like a Monday and I think that says it all 😉
Our lovely view from our porch.